Table of contents

DLF groups are typically formed by people with good ideas, so there’s no annual timeline or formal approval process for affiliation. Ideas for new working groups develop in a variety of ways. Many groups, like our Climate Justice Working Group, form out of conversations begun at the DLF Forum. Other groups arise as a continuation of prior work and initiatives begun outside of DLF, like the Technology Strategy for Archives Working Group. Have an idea for a working group, but not sure where to begin? Simply get in touch with us at to discuss the possibilities!

Our working group leaders are self-starters and we encourage them to think creatively about platforms they can use independently to get their work done. The DLF Team works with groups on a case-by-case basis to try to get them the resources they need. We also make sure to reserve some space for DLF-affiliated groups at the DLF Forum.

In exchange, we ask that your group:

  • Operate under the DLF Code of Conduct if you use our name (or a similar code, in case of a partnership or pre-existing group).
  • Keep your DLF website and OSF and/or wiki pages reasonably up-to-date (even if those are mostly just pointers to information held elsewhere). See “DLF-Specific Communications Venues” for a list of platforms we currently provide for our working groups.
  • If promoting on social media, tag DLF on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram, and send messages about your work to our primary listserv, DLF-Announce, so that we can help promote it and drive traffic your way!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or ideas! Starting a new initiative or working group could be as simple as: 

  • Sending out a call for interest to gauge interest in the community;
  • Getting in touch with those willing to put in time, to schedule a meeting and develop a plan; or
  • Using DLF as a platform to circulate new ideas, resources, and readings, and to make progress on issues.