Table of contents
  1. How We Can Help
  2. Do I have to be a member? Does our project have to be “official?
  3. Contacting DLF

Reach out to DLF staff and former leaders to find out as much information [as you can]. They are your best resource when first getting started.

— Cristela Garcia-Spitz

DLF is amazing—don’t hesitate to reach out to them if you have an idea!

— Elizabeth Joan Kelly

The Digital Library Federation is purposefully lightly staffed. This means that we welcome your creative thinking about the best ways to get things done—no process or system is set in stone, and you are not required to use technologies we offer or work to a certain timeline in order to get our support.

How We Can Help

Team DLF is always available to help with:

  • Forming new groups and initiatives, and discussing needed levels of DLF support;
  • Facilitating collaborations with other DLF groups and committees, including quarterly meetings for current working group leaders, and making connections beyond the immediate DLF community;
  • Creating editable pages on the DLF website and wiki, or creating and hosting other web resources;
  • Communications, including signal-boosting: promoting your group’s activities through DLF’s various social media channels, calendars, and lists;
  • Setting up an email list, scheduling a conference call (see “Scheduling Meetings on CLIR+DLF’s Zoom Account”), or facilitating a Twitter chat;
  • Options for open access publications, both online and print, including through CLIR;
  • Managing your data, with connections to DLF’s Github and OSF repositories;
  • Planning and organizing an in-person meet-up at the annual DLF Forum;
  • Creating cross-pollinator opportunities to connect your conference or community to ours;
  • Providing limited financial sponsorship or in-kind contributions to good causes;
  • Brainstorming next steps for your group and consulting on ways to build and maintain momentum; and
  • Learning from each other, and answering any questions about DLF you may have!

If you need support with any of the above or beyond, please contact us at

Do I have to be a member? Does our project have to be “official?

We work with energized, committed teams regardless of the organizational affiliation of their participants. You don’t have to be part of a DLF member organization to lead or join a working group.

That said, everything Team DLF does depends on the financial support of our members. If you are in a position to influence organizational membership decisions, we’d be extremely grateful for your advocacy!

We also happily support and amplify far more community-based activity than is represented elsewhere in this Toolkit or on our website. If you’re doing great work that needs a boost but not a “home,” don’t hesitate to contact us. We won’t co-opt or DLF-brand you.

Contacting DLF

We encourage you to email us at, which is a shared inbox that Team DLF accesses Monday through Friday.